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Tug of war by ten thousand people in Gansu province’s Lintan County Fig.



Tug of war by ten thousand people in Gansu province’s Lintan County Fig. 

Tug of war by ten thousand people in Gansu province’s Lintan County Fig. 2     

On the Laba Festival in Chinese Lunar Calendar, Sports Bureau of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture began to prepare for its upcoming 10,000-athlete tug-of-war competition.

It is reported that the 10,000-athlete tug-of-war race in Gannan Lintan country has enjoyed a good reputation for a long time. Reportedly, during the Chinese Lunar New Year, especially in the evening of January 14-16 (Chinese Lunar Calendar), almost all people in or near the county would join in the race. The competition had three races in the evening and attracted more than 100,000 people. Typically speaking, masses in county began to prepare for the competition since December (Chinese Lunar Calendar).

Dao Jijia, Director of Sports Bureau of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, told the journalist that in order to elaborate the Gansu Silk Road’s sports fitness brand activity and enrich in sports events, this year’s competition will be larger than those in the previous years.